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Where is the Kingdom of God?

Writer's picture: Annie Warner DonnellyAnnie Warner Donnelly

Updated: Sep 30, 2022


Toby first heard about the kingdom of God when he was eight. Being eight was a curious time for him. He had a lot of questions: how do tadpoles grow legs? How can the hummingbird fly but not go anywhere? How do seeds grow? Now the biggest question for him became: where is the kingdom of God?

The first answer he received was: it’s in heaven. You guessed it. Toby’s next question was: where’s heaven? The person answering made a general gesture toward the sky. All Toby could see was the sky, so he kept asking everyone the same question. The answers were always the same.

Just before he turned nine, he went to visit his Grandpa, the one who lived far away. As soon as he could, he asked his Grandpa:


Grandpa, where is the kingdom of God?


Let’s look in the Bible, Toby. You’re not the first person to ask this question, you know.”


Toby had often seen his parents’ Bible but he’d never read it. He watched as his Grandpa carefully turned the pages.


Ah, here it is: Luke chapter 17, verse 21:

Now when Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation: nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.


But Grandpa, I can’t see inside myself.


No, Toby, you can’t see inside yourself, but by believing the words written in the Bible, you can know where the kingdom of God is – it’s within you.


But what does it do there?


Grandpa turned more pages in the Bible. When he found what he was looking for, he spoke again.


Toby, this is the book of Romans, chapter 14, verse 17:

For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

That’s the end of the verse.

The kingdom of God begins within us, in our hearts, Toby. Our hearts are changed as we begin to live the gentleness of God’s word. We become more like Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps us with everything we do. By obeying the Word of God we feel peaceful inside because we’re doing what’s right. Toby, there’s a lot of joy in doing what’s right!


Grandpa, I know what you mean! Mommy taught me to be gentle with my little sister. When I am, I feel good about it. Then I feel joy playing with her. Oh and another thing: I feel bad when the umpire calls me out, but I feel better when I don’t say angry words to him because he did.


(Grandpa chuckles) Good boy, Toby. I’m proud of you!


Grandpa and Toby talked for a long time that day. Toby discovered many more things about Jesus and His words written in the Bible. Before he went to sleep that night, Toby folded his hands over his heart and whispered:


Dear Jesus, thank You for loving me. I love You very much!


Toby was still smiling when he fell asleep. His hands were still folded over his heart. In the morning, he woke to find his Grandfather’s Bible on the nightstand beside his bed. On the first page, as he read the words that his Grandpa had written there, Toby could hear his Grandpa’s voice:

To my dear grandson, Toby, who found the Kingdom of God within himself. May righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit be yours forever and ever. Amen. Love, Grandpa.


One day, Toby will read the Bible’s beautiful words of life to his grandchildren, honouring the tradition his Grandpa began. Amen.

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